Posts tagged Muscles
Functional Exercise and Training – The Why and the What!

Tri-Plane Movement and Functional Training, these are both current words used to describe movement and training by the personal training and allied health professions (osteopath, physiotherapist, exercise physiologist and chiropractor). The health and fitness industry is going through yet another change, just like the swiss ball was the man of the moment in the 90′s, pilates and the core were the trend of the early 2000′s, many trainers and health professionals are now focusing on training movement rather than muscle, training functional exercises rather than non functional exercises, training groups of muscles rather than muscles in isolation.

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Hypermobility part 2 (March 2012)

Part 1 of this article looked at giving readers a better understanding of Hypermobility Syndrome (HMS) and the implications it may have on the musculoskeletal system. Having a greater understanding of the common problems associated with hypermobility syndrome, how it is diagnosed and its relationship to other connective tissues disorders provides us with a solid base by which we can then go about developing a corrective exercise program. Part 2 aims to provide a more extensive look at assessing the hypermobile patient and taking a region specific approach to training.

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