Osteoporosis… the silent one!

Doctor looking at xray

Many people don’t know that they have osteoporosis until they sustain a fracture, often after a fall.  Across the European Union in 2010, there were an estimated 43,000 deaths causally related to fractures!  It is important to note that osteoporotic related fractures do not only affect women: one in five men in the UK over 50 years old break a bone due to low bone strength…. and it is interesting to know that men’s fracture related mortality is higher than women’s.

As ever with the articles we write, we highlight how crucial it is for people to take greater responsibility for themselves.  Diagnosing osteoporosis early is critical to managing the condition.

Females over 50 are more likely to get osteoporosis, especially if there is a family history.

Other risk factors are:

Thyroid problems or other problems with hormone levels.

Low calcium levels or eating disorders increase the likelihood of osteoporosis.

Long-term use of oral or injected corticosteroid medications such as prednisone or cortisone.

Lifestyle choices can also have a large impact on your bone health.    Excessive alcohol consumption and the use of tobacco, along with a being too sedentary directly impacts on bone strength.

Make your health your priority and keep strong, agile and healthy.  Walking regularly is great – up and down hills is better.  Dancing may not be your thing, but it has been shown to improve your strength.  So maybe give it a go!

If you are concerned….. come in and see one of the osteopaths here at Back to Back for advice.  Call us on 020 8605 2323

Blog by James Dodd