Hypermobility and the Gut


Hypermobility Syndrome and Gut Problems

A few years ago, one of our osteopaths Annie Fonfé did her final year dissertation on ‘Hypermobility Syndrome and Bruxism’ (teeth grinding or clenching).  One of her questions she asked the patients was ‘did they or had they ever suffered with stomach problems or been diagnosed with IBS’.  She found that a significant portion of hypermobile patients did indeed suffer with stomach concerns of some description.

A recent study lead by Professor Aziz (Professor of Neurogastroenterology at Queen Mary Hospital of London) found that patients with hypermobility syndrome/disorder often suffer chronic abdominal pain and a range of gut symptoms.  They are frequently misdiagnosed, undiagnosed or wrongly diagnosed and have poor quality of life said Professor Aziz.  He went on to say that this observation allows us to provide a better explanation of symptoms to our patients and tailor our treatments more effectively.

Hypermobility syndrome is a major problem and it is often undiagnosed and so the patients are mismanaged.  Hypermobility can be helped to a greater extent if clinicians are aware of the bigger picture it can present with.  If it was understood to a more fully, patients could be more empowered to create strategies for self help as well as directed help towards the correct therapists.