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Sleep – are you getting enough or enough ‘good’ sleep?

SLEEP is much more important than most of us think. It is actually a massively crucial time for our bodies to rest and heal and for us to lay down new tissue. It is also an important time for our brains to process what has happened that day and ‘back up’ its new memories.

An adult should be getting 7-9 hours sleep a NIGHT!!

Here are ten tips to try and improve your sleep. I hate the phrase Sleep hygiene.

Try to do all of some of these. The more regularly you do them the better. Some will be hard to do all the time, but try to do at least 3-4 times a week. Sleep helps us function better and improved sleep helps with stress levels.

Sleep in a dark, quiet and cool room.

GO ‘device free’ at least one hour before bed

Use bedroom for sleep only (other than the obvious!!)

Nap wisely (before about 3pm) but do not look at naps badly.

Get out of bed if you cannot sleep (use the 20 minute rule)

Maintain a consistent, regular bedtime routine

Do not go to bed hungry

Finish exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime

No alcohol or nicotine for 3-6 hours before bedtime

Stop caffeine 6 hours before bedtime

Back pain and a large number of other conditions have been closely linked to poor sleep.

For more information look to

The Sleep Society and the The Sleep Council

Blog post by James Dodd