1080 Map Functional Assessment


James at Back to Back is now offering an exciting new service called 1080MAP™. Developed in Norway and Sweden, it is a specialist assessment tool with software that is designed specifically for those committed to becoming more successful in their training and to improve their movement patterns. It is also a great tool to be used alongside rehabilitation protocols.

1080MAP™ assesses, analyses and optimises movement patterns to maximise your physical performance. There really is nothing like this in the world that assesses and maps out your movement patterns and using specialist software, it gives clear results to show how well your body moves! At the time of writing, there are only a couple of people with specialist training in London to do this and we have been lucky enough to be part of this.

This functional assessment is a unique, effective and accurate test system for determining a person’s fundamental ability to move and control movement. The system is based on combinations of full-body movement patterns that give results that will determine what may be needed to improve athletic ability or everyday function.

The first level of 1080 MAP covers mobility and stability as this is the foundation of any human movement and physical performance.

To measure full-body three dimensional movement patterns the 1080 MAT is an easy-to-use tool. It consists of a circular test area divided by vectors. Measurements in centimetres and degrees provide the input to the 1080 MAP database.

1080 MAP stands out as the only scientifically validated method that is repeatable for mobility and stability assessment.


The measurement of movement patterns in standing positions to quantify function. Quantification of mobility, stability, strength, power, endurance and performance.


The different tests are scored are then combined and directly linked to each other to create unique individual profiles. All profiles reflect physical performance, identify physical limitations and hidden potential.


1080MAP™ results in highly specific and individualised treatment and training programs that will optimise functional performance.

The picture below is the 1080Map of an elite athlete who was struggling with lower back pain for years. The graphic below shows some of the information we produced. It highlighted problems with her left hip (from left picture) and foot that had not been seen from previous assessments. The new and crucial information was then used in her treatment plan to target her left hip and foot. These were integrated into her movement patterns. She now is able to run really good distances and she is stronger with much less pain.

Test results are captured, analysis is done, and feedback is given from the 1080 MAP cloud based client management system. Here, each client’s results can be compared over time, on detailed level or by using a composite mobility score. Comparisons can also be done against the entire data base population based on gender, age, sport and performance level. Based on the analysis, feedback can be sent directly to the client.

If this could be something of interest to you, call the clinic on 020 8605 2323 and book into see James for a 1080 map assessment. Here is a link to more information. Our website also gives you information about the clinic.

-James Dodd